Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Reported Speech - Theory How to form sentences in reported speech
2. Commands, requests, suggestions Reported speech with commands, requests, suggestions
3. Introductory verbs Reported speech: Introductory verbs


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Reported Speech: Present Tense 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
2. Reported Speech: Present Tense (2) 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
3. Reported Speech: Present Tense (3) 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
4. Reported Speech: Present Tense (4) 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
5. Reported Question: Present Tense 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
6. Reported Question: Present Tense (2) 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
7. Reported Question: Present Tense (3) 2 - interpretativ leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
8. Reported Speech: Past Tense 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
9. Reported Speech: Past Tense (2) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
10. Reported Speech: Past Tense (3) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
11. Reported Speech: Past Tense (4) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
12. Reported Question: Past Tense 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
13. Reported Question: Past Tense (2) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
14. Reported Question: Past Tense (3) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
15. Reported speech: Orders, requests, suggestions 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Practise in reported speech
16. Reported speech 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Grammar practise - Reported speech
17. Reported speech: Changes in tense 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Reported peech - Changes in tense
18. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
19. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (2) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
20. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (3) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
21. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (4) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
22. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (5) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
23. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (6) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
24. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (7) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
25. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (8) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
26. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
27. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (2) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
28. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (3) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
29. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (4) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
30. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (5) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
31. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (6) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
32. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (7) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
33. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (8) 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Reported Speech: Present Tense (5) Andere leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
2. Reported Speech: Present Tense (6) Andere leicht 1,5 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
3. Reported Speech: Past Tense (5) Andere mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
4. Reported Speech: Past Tense (6) Andere mittel 2 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
5. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (9) Andere schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
6. Reported Speech: Mixed Tenses (10) Andere schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
7. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (9) Andere schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
8. Reported Question: Mixed Tenses (10) Andere schwer 3 Put the following sentences into reported speech.
9. Writing: Rules by the teacher Andere schwer 4 Practise in writing and grammar: Changes from reported into direct speech
10. Writing: A report by the detective Andere schwer 4 Practise in writing and grammar: Reported speech
11. Writing: A conversation with the customs officer Andere schwer 4 Grammar and writing practise: Reported speech

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