Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Types of energy Vocabulary related to the topic "Energy"
2. Environment Vocabulary related to the topic 'Environment'
3. Ecological problems Vocabulary related to ecological problems
4. Environmental problems Vocabulary related to the topic 'Environmental problems', part 1
5. Environmental problems (2) Vocabulary related to the topic 'Environmental problems', part 2
6. Packaging Vocabulary related to the problem of safe packaging
7. Rare species Vocabulary related to the topic 'Rare species'
8. Climate Vocabulary related to the topic 'Climate and its problems'


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Vocabulary: Nature 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Multiple-choice questions: Practise in vocabulary related to the topic 'Nature'
2. Energy and environment: Definitions 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 0,9 Practise in vocabulary related to the topic 'Environment and energy'
3. Ecology: Definitions 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 0,9 Vocabulary related to the topic 'Ecology, ecological problems'
4. Ecological problems: Spelling 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Vocabulary practise and spelling related to the topic 'Nature, ecology'
5. Environmental problems: Definitions 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Practise in vocabulary and spelling related to the topic 'Environmental problems'
6. Reading: Ecological problems 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Reading practise related to the topic "Ecology": True/false tasks
7. Reading: Environmental problems 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Practise in reading related to the topic 'Environment': True/false tasks
8. Reading: Global warming 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Practise in reading related to the topic 'Environment': Text with true/false questions
9. Reading: Environment 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Reading practise with true/false questions related to environment problems
10. Reading: Nature and polar bears 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Practise in reading with true/false questions related to nature
11. Reading: Green packaging 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Practise in reading with true/false questions related to the topic 'Packaging'
12. Reading: What happens to the climate? 2 - interpretativ mittel 3 Reading practise with correct/incorrect sentences related to the topic 'Climate'
13. Listening: Climate change 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening practise related to the topic 'Nature, the problems of climate'
14. Listening: A news report about global issues 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening comprehension with multiple choice questions
15. Listening: Global issues in the news report 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening practise with multiple-choice questions related to global warming
16. Listening: Weather and climate change 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Practise in listening and writing related to the topic 'Nature, climate change'
17. Listening: Polar bears are in danger 3 - analytisch schwer 4,5 Listening practise with multiple-choice questions related to the topic 'Environment'

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Nature and packaging Andere leicht 1 Practise in vocabulary and spelling related to the topic 'Nature, global issues'
2. Reading: Tropical rainforests Andere mittel 3 Practise in reading: True/false questions related to the topic 'Nature, global issues'
3. Listening: A song by Michael Jackson Andere schwer 4,5 Practise in listening related to the topic 'Nature'
4. Writing: A letter about ecological problems Andere schwer 5 Practise in writing and vocabulary on the topic 'Ecological problems'
5. Writing: An essay about cars Andere schwer 7 Practise in writing and vocabulary related on the topic 'Environment'
6. Writing: An essay about GM food Andere schwer 7 Practise in writing and vocabulary related to genetically modified organisms in food

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