Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Professions Vocabulary related to professions
2. Professions (2) Vocabulary related to the professions, part 2
3. Professions (3) Vocabulary related to professions, part 3
4. Professions (4) Vocabulary related to professions, part 4
5. Work: General terms Vocabulary related to work
6. Employment and unemployment Vocabulary regarding employment and unemployment
7. Work: Formal words Vocabulary related to work
8. Work: Formal words (2) Vocabulary related to work. part 2


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Jobs (definitions) 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Practise in vocabulary related to jobs
2. Spelling: Formal words for work 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Practise in spelling related to work
3. Spelling: Work and jobs 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,5 Practise in spelling and vocabulary related to work
4. Vocabulary: Definitions 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Multiple-choice task related to work and jobs
5. Vocabulary: Different jobs 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Practise in vocabulary with multiple-choice questions related to jobs
6. Reading: Stress at work 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Practise in reading and understanding vocabulary related to work
7. Reading: Money matters 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Practise in reading related to work and money
8. Reading: Internet police 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Practise in reading and understanding vocabulary related to jobs
9. Definitions: Work terms 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Practise in vocabulary regarding work terms
10. Definitions: Professions 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Practise in understanding vocabulary and spelling regarding work
11. Definitions: Employment/unemployment 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Practise in spelling and understanding vocabulary regarding employment/unemployment
12. Listening: Sweatshops 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to work
13. Listening: Job interviews 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to jobs and work: Fill-in-the gaps
14. Listening: Careers 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to jobs and work routine
15. Listening: Minimum wage 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to the topic work
16. Listening: Qualifications 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to work
17. Listening: Salary caps 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to work
18. Listening: Where to work in Asia? 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to the topic work
19. Listening: Work from abroad 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to work
20. Listening: Work on the go 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practise in listening related to work

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Spelling: Professions Andere leicht 1,5 Practise in spelling related to work and professions
2. Reading: Job losses Andere mittel 2 Practise in reading related to jobs and work routine
3. Listening: Business in Bali Andere schwer 3 Practise in listening related to work routine
4. Writing an essay: Changing jobs Andere schwer 4 Practise in vocabulary and writing related to work
5. Writing an essay: Workaholism Andere schwer 4 Vocabulary related to work

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