Didaktische Hinweise:

Didaktische Hinweise

Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Didaktische Hinweise


Nummer Name Beschreibung
1. Future simple Grammar rules on the future simple tense
2. Future Continuous Grammar rules on the future continuous
3. Future perfect Grammar rules for the future perfect
4. Future perfect continuous Grammar rules for the future perfect continuous
5. Additional tenses used for the future Additional tenses that are used to refer to events in the future


Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. The future simple 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1 Complete the sentences using the future simple tense.
2. The future continuous 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 2,5 Multiple-choice questions: Future continuous
3. The future continuous (2) 1 - Rezeptiv leicht 1,4 Fill in the gaps by using the future continuous.
4. The future continuous (3) 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Future continuous
5. Future perfect or future perfect continuous 2 - interpretativ mittel 2,4 Future perfect and future perfect continuous tense
6. Questions in the future simple 2 - interpretativ mittel 2,4 Asking questions in the future simple tense
7. Present Simple or Present Continuous 2 - interpretativ mittel 2,4 Additional tenses describing events in the future
8. Future perfect or future perfect continuous 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 Multiple-choice questions: Future perfect or the future perfect continuous
9. Reading: Will we live in space? 2 - interpretativ mittel 2 True/false questions: Practice in reading and understanding the future tenses
10. Reading: Robots of the future 3 - analytisch schwer 3 True/false questions: Practice in reading and understanding the future tenses
11. Listening: A song by Faith Hill 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practice on the Future Tenses
12. Listening: The future song 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Listening comprehension with a song using future tense words
13. Listening: Future games 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practice in listening and grammar (future tenses)
14. Listening: I will talk 3 - analytisch schwer 3 Practice in listening and grammar (future tenses)

Zusätzliche Beispiele (nur für Lehrende sichtbar)

Nummer Name Art Schwierigkeitsgrad Punkte Beschreibung
1. Grammar: Future Tenses Andere leicht 1,5 Grammar practice concerning the future tenses
2. Reading: Life in the 21st century Andere mittel 2 True/false questions: Practice in reading and understanding the future tenses
3. Reading: Future life Andere mittel 2 True/false questions: Practice in reading and understanding the future tenses
4. Listening: Big plans Andere schwer 3 Practice in listening and grammar (future tenses)
5. Writing a letter about future plans Andere schwer 4 Practice in writing a letter using the future tenses

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