Didaktische Hinweise:
Didaktische Hinweise
Nummer | Name | Beschreibung |
1. | Didaktische Hinweise |
Nummer | Name | Art | Schwierigkeitsgrad | Punkte | Beschreibung |
1. | Video: The Summly Whiz Kid | 2 - interpretativ | leicht | 1♦ | Watch the video and choose the correct sentence endings. |
2. | Video: Cannes Film Festival Bans Selfies | 2 - interpretativ | schwer | 3♦ | Watch the BBC news report and choose the correct sentence endings. |
3. | Video: Riding Skateboard In Virtual Reality | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Watch the BBC news report and choose the correct sentence endings (exercises 1+2) or fill in the gaps (exercises 3+4). |
4. | Listening: Teenager Makes Millions | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Listen to the recording and choose the correct sentence endings (exercises 1+3) or fill in the gaps (exercises 2+4). |
5. | Listening: Young Brits on Internet | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Listen to the recording and choose the correct sentence endings (exercises 1+3) or fill in the gaps (exercises 2+4). |
6. | Listening: Internet Gives New Meanings | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Listen to the recording and choose the correct sentence endings (exercises 1+3) or fill in the gaps (exercises 2+4). |
7. | Listening: French Radio Plays English Songs | 2 - interpretativ | leicht | 1,5♦ | Listen to the recording and choose the correct sentence endings (exercises 1+3) or fill in the gaps (exercises 2+4). |
8. | Listening: People Die From Selfies | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Listen to the recording and choose the correct sentence endings (exercises 1+3) or fill in the gaps (exercises 2+4). |
9. | Reading: Young Brits on Internet | 3 - analytisch | schwer | 3♦ | Read the following article and decide whether the statements below are true or false. |
10. | Reading: Teenager Makes Millions | 3 - analytisch | schwer | 3♦ | Read the following article and decide whether the statements below are true or false. |
11. | Reading: Paris Halts Filming of Action Movies | 3 - analytisch | mittel | 2♦ | Read the following article and decide whether the statements below are true or false. |
12. | Synonym Match: Young Brits on Internet | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Read the following article and find the appropriate synonyms in the text. |
13. | Synonym Match: French Radio Plays English Songs | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Read the following article and find the appropriate synonyms in the text. |
14. | Synonym Match: People Die From Selfies | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Read the following article and find the appropriate synonyms in the text. |
15. | Synonym Match: Teenager Makes Millions | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Read the following article and find the appropriate synonyms in the text. |
16. | Synonym Match: Internet Gives New Meanings | 2 - interpretativ | mittel | 2♦ | Read the following article and find the appropriate synonyms in the text. |
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