Study the following idioms. Part 2

Hit town - to arrive in town;
Out of town - temporarily not in one's own town;
Out on the town - celebrating at one or more places in a town;
Paint the town - to go out and celebrate; to go on a drinking bout; to get drunk;
Paint the town red - to go out and enjoy yourself in the evening, often drinking a lot of alcohol and dancing;
Talk of the town - a subject of considerable gossip;
The only game in town - the only choice, which one must accept for want of a better one;
The toast of (the town) - someone who is especially well-liked, regarded, or admired in a certain place;
Town and gown - the inhabitants of a college or university town and the students and personnel of the college.
The minute he hit town, he checked into a hotel and took a long nap.
I'll go out of town next week. I'm going to be at a conference.
I take care of Mary's cat when she's out of town.
I'm really tired. I was out on the town until dawn.
Jack finished his exams today so he's gone out to paint the town red.