In order to talk about racism today, you need to study the appropriate vocabulary. The symbol =/ indicates the antonym (=opposite) of the word.

struggle = fight
racial equality = equality between the races, equality between blacks and whites
injustice = violation of the rights of others, unfair action or treatment =/ justice
riots = a noisy, violent, public disorder, like a protest
poverty = the state or condition of having little or no money
violence = intense physical force and action
The struggle for racial equality across the South of the United States has continueduntil today.
Racial injustice still exists.
There is a higher number of African Americans living in poverty than of whites.
recent = not long past
unarmed = without weapons
with regard to = concerning
current = new, present, most recent
Recent police shootings of unarmed Black men have given rise to new protests and riots.
With regard to economy, African Americans have fewer opportunities than whites.
In order to draw attention to the current race problem, the African American community in 2012 started the international movement "Black Lives Matter".
to give rise to = to lead to, to cause sth.
to cease = to stop
to matter = to be of importance
to penalize = to put under a disadvantage (bestrafen)
Racism, injustice and recent police shootings of unarmed Black men have given rise to new protests and riots.
"Separate but equal" education in public schools should have ceased to exist in 1954.
The man has never been penalized.