In order to talk about racism, you need to study the appropriate vocabulary.

to have prejudices about sth./sb. = to have an unfair or unreasonable opinion on sth/sb without enough thought
to be racist = to treat a person or a group of people differently on the basis of their race
to discriminate against sb. = to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people
to be discriminated = to be treated differently, especially in a worse way from the way other people are treated
African Americans are often discriminated because of their skin colour.
People often haveprejudicesabout others although they don't know them.
to recognise = to identify as something or someone
to occur = to happen, to take place
to refuse = to not want to do sth, to not want to accept sth.
to be affected by sth. = to be influenced in a harmful way or to be moved, to be touched (betroffen)
to feel anxious about sth. = to be worried about sth.
He refused to work with him because he does not speak German.
Who isaffectedby racism?
Sometimes it is hard to recognise racism.
race = any people united by common history, language, traits, etc.
belief = something believed, an opinion or conviction
opinion = a personal view or attitude
target = a goal or aim to be achieved or an object used for a certain purpose
There is no race but the human race.
People often form an opinion on others without enough knowledge or thought.
superior = higher in rank, in importance
inferior = lower in rank, in importance
deliberately = carefully considered, to do sth. on purpose
insulting = offensive, causing insult (beleidigend)
White people often think that they are superior to black people.
White people often believe that black people are inferior to them.
The racist term "nigger" is insulting to African Americans and no more used.